Hawaiian Yellow-faced Bee

My husband, our 2.5 year old daughter, and I live on a small farm on Lookout Mountain in Northwest Georgia. We grow food for our own table and that of others in the community. In the three years that we've (primarily my husband, while I design) been farming, we've learned the importance of bees and have grown to appreciate them for the work they do. So much so, we plant specific flowers to attract and keep them around. Sadly, the Hawaiian Yellow-Faced Bee and the native Hawaiian plants that they pollinate are now endangered. They both need the other in order to survive. I was honored to design this poster of the Hawaiian Yellow-Faced Bee as I know firsthand the importance of them in our everyday lives everywhere. The intricacies in the tiny lines that this bee is made up of, the wing patterns and symmetry lent itself well to the line-art style that I went with. When it came to the type, I wanted to give some movement to the poster and in a way resemble the patterns that bees fly in.