A typographic exploration of the Univers's natural wonders

Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore

By Aaron Draplin

This design is more than an explanation of the quiet beauty of sand dunes from my childhood. More than the serene geometry of how the dunes meet Lake Michigan. Or how looking out over the infinite horizon towards Wisconsin fills your heart with wonder. Or how time, wind, and erosion have shaped the corner of the world in which I grew up. That’s the easy stuff. To me, the Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes were precisely about one thing and one thing only: waiting for that incredible moment…where time, space and chaos perfectly intersect: that moment when some rat kid (who may or may not have been named “Russell”) is running down the dunes at full speed, takes a violent tumble and eats shit in a whirlwind of knee caps, belly, elbows and hair. And then his mom has to clean the sand out of his nose, ears and mouth. Now that’s living. 

Or maybe that kid’s name was “Aaron?"

And the last time I checked, it wasn’t called Lake Wisconsin.