A typographic exploration of the Univers's natural wonders

Series 5 Waypoint




Congratulations! You've been selected to participate in Type Hike's FIFTH series: ARCH. Welcome to the Waypoint.

“Let us hope that the Arch somehow survives-that it becomes, far in the future, a mysterious structure like the Great Pyramids or Stonehenge, that leads onlookers to wonder about the people who produced it and ask themselves what strange compulsions led to its creation.” 

- Tracy Campbell

On february 22 of 2018, the jefferson national expansion memorial was renamed gateway arch, becoming our 60th national park.

Project details

Our 60th National Park, located in Saint Louis, deserves a bit of pomp and circumstance to celebrate its 1-year anniversary. In addition, Type Hike began in St. Louis, so we’ve got that whole pride thing going for us. We are asking you to submit a type-focused poster, celebrating this beautiful monument. Beyond the Arch itself, consider the history, meaning, architecture, engineering, funky elevators, surrounding area, and city as supporting elements. Your submission will be part of a collection of 60 posters that will be displayed on February 22nd in St. Louis (details coming, but mark your calendar). From that collection, one will be chosen to serve as the representative poster for the Type Hike’s NPS series.

All posters will be sold, with proceeds going to the Gateway Arch Foundation.

ELEMENTS / Each design must include the park's full name, Gateway Arch, including "National Park" or "NP".

COLOR / Each design can include up to three colors chosen from the palette below. Limiting the color choices will create visual continuity across all designs and simplify print production. 

SIZE / Designs will be built at 24" x 36" at 300 ppi (or 7200px x 10800 px in robot numbers) in portrait orientation.  

USE / The full set of designs will be exhibited on typehike.com and shared on Instagram. Posters will be printed for the chosen design and sold in the online shop and by select retailers. Apparel for a selection of the designs may also be printed through a partnership with Cotton Bureau

CONSIDERATIONS / While we want to keep the design guidelines as open as possible to allow creativity to thrive, we learned some lessons from the first series that are worth sharing:

  • Keep the limitations of screen printing in mind while designing. Blend modes, such as multiply, will create color interactions that are not reproducible with screen printing.

  • Designs that are "self-contained" and do not rely heavily on the edges of the canvas are easier to print on shirts.

  • Thin frames around the edge of the design are difficult to reproduce accurately across the three printed sizes. If seeing a print of your design with slightly uneven border thicknesses is going to churn your stomach, avoid dancing on the edge.

  • Please do not use any NPS owned logos, images, or shapes in your designs - we are not licensed to reproduce any trademarked material.

  • Consider that 59 other designers are creating a poster of the Arch. How can you represent it uniquely?

We respect that you are not participating in this project for financial gain, so credits will always be shown with the designs. We encourage you to seize this opportunity to showcase you talent. Type Hike's exposure is constantly growing and your work will be seen and enjoyed by many. Our parks benefit as a result of your effort, as our proceeds go directly to them.


1/8/19 - Designer Selection Announced
The group of designers participating in this series will be announced.

2/15/19 - Final Designs Completed
All designs must be completed by February 15th in order to prepare prints for the launch. When your design is complete, please email a jpeg or pdf and the original file to letsgo@typehike.com.

2/22/19 - Series Launch
The designs will be published online and displayed in St. Louis.


Thank you SO MUCH for lending your talent to this important cause.

You are special and wonderful.